What do the trees on your property look like right now? Even with the impending arrival of winter, are they looking vibrant and healthy, or do they look sub-par when compared to other trees in your neighborhood? Even though you might have the same type of tree or trees as your neighbors do, there is no guarantee that all trees on a given block will be of the same health; just as there's no guarantee that you and your neighbors will all have the same health issues or lack of health issues. In order to be sure that your tree or trees are as healthy as possible, it's important to have them checked out by a professional on a regular basis. This is similar to how people should be getting a checkup from a doctor every year. Some signs that trees may be in serious need of professional care include:

Drooping limbs: Some species of tree, including willows, have limbs that droop naturally. But for species that should have more or less straight branches, drooping can be a sign that you need a residential tree care expert to remove some of the limbs. Overcrowding and excess growth can cause the tree's limbs to start to bend due to the extra weight. This can put the branches in danger of snapping suddenly, causing damage to the area beneath the tree when these large limbs break off.

Slow growth: It's normal for some species of tree to be slow to leaf out in spring or for them to be the first to lose all their leaves in the fall. When your tree is the first to lose all its leaves in the fall and the last to return in the spring when compared to all of the other similar trees nearby, you may want to have a residential tree care expert look at your tree. There could be nothing wrong with your tree or there could be an issue with a disease, pests, or nutrition. The only way to know for sure is to talk to a professional.

Damage: One of the most obvious, yet often overlooked, signs that you should be contacting a residential tree care professional is storm damage of some kind. Although storm damage is something that happens to wild trees and nobody gets overly concerned most of the time, it is something to be concerned about when it happens to a tree growing on a residential property. Not only can it indicate the presence of diseases or pests, but storm damage can also open the tree up to further damage by these things. A tree care professional will know what to do to protect the tree to make further damage less likely.
